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Admission open for session 2024 - 25   INQUIRE NOW

School Library
Equipped with State-Of-The-Art technologies, Printed Journals, Newspapers, CD/DVD, Googling for online contents, etc.
Our library collections comprise hundreds of printed books and journal volumes. School library also provides online journals, specialist subject databases and e-books that the school has purchased.

facilities school library

State of the art School Library

From Std-I onwards each class is allotted one library in week. For Std-I & Std-II, the teacher reads our a story books/show in story through a CD on computer in the class room.

From Std-III onwards, each student is issued a borrower's ticket, against which each a student can borrow a library book for a maximum period of 15 days.

All students must observe the following library rules:

  1. They must maintain complete silence in the library.
  2. Students must return the library books by the due date. Failure to do so will be liable to a fine of Rs.10/day.
  3. References books will be issued only during school hours for use in the library only.
  4. Students are not allowed to bring their personal books/belonging to the library.
  5. Any student found damaging, disfiguring, defacing or tearing pages of the library book will not only have to pay the cost of the book but also be barrred from using the library for the whole running academic session.
  6. The library has an open access system. The children can select their own books from the shelves. They must however, put the books back on the same shelf after reading/slecting the books.
  7. The school has also introduced a CD library. Student can avail it to quench their thirst for knowledge throgh it in school itself

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